SonG WorLd

Friday, September 11, 2009

ReCently; PeoPLe

Exam around the corner..
however i m not in the mood yet XD
every1 started busy
but i still hanging around
running between KL and Perak
working, playing even planned to go to langkawi
during hari raya
but of coz, i have already rejected that offer
wish i could join though

flash back the things i have gone through this few years of U-life
and 1 year of working in Cube-Event
Gone through kinds of ppl
All kinds of bad situation

learnt ways to communicate with ppl,customers
gone to a lot of crazy stuffs
very good memories ^^
enjoyed them..

when u say something
and the things u doing
Have u ever thought of how ppl think

I realized many ppl dun think before they say something
they dun go through their brains before they say or do something

Last time there is a guy fren of mine
he talks really funny
always make us laugh
he that time is a good fren to fren with
he treated us all like brothers
however 1 day, he insulted a gal
and tell the whole world a different story
i couldnt accept it
as he really insulted tat gal so badly
me and my frens refused to talk to him no more
tat time was in secondary
i did something too
something very childish
however.. i never regret
even until now

i got a few other frens
who act so funny
1 who can thick face until u cant even imagine
not going to say deeper about this
lolz.. afraid there will be some argument

and also some fren who talk about ppl's bad things behind
i know i did a lot too..kekez, but not the following =X
and post them into the internet e.g. facebook
imagine 1 day, ur fren went to ur hse
after went back, he tell every body that SonG's hse stinks
SonG's room is smaller than my store room == (always happened)
SonG so dirty, SonG hse full of rubbish

when u c all these posts or things ppl are talking about
will u feel comfortable?

I believe in 1 saying
"if u respect ppl, ppl will respect u"
respecting no matter what age
doesnt mean that u r older, u get more respects
or u can do anything u like
and ppl smaller than u cannot complain about it

There are only Right or Wrong in this world
not old or young

Nothing is perfect in this world
i guess a lot of ppl also dun like me in some ways XD
the way i tease ppl sometimes
honestly those who know me well
i just joking, and i apologize ><><

Heard stories of fren complaining to ppl how his gf treated him
but on the other hand, he is doing the same thing..
Heard stories of fren faces problems in her friendships

I do face this kind of problems too
sometimes things happened exceed our expectations
The only thing we can do
is to avoid what we can avoid, face what we should face
stop cheating urself, especially in relationships
think before u do anything

whether what u did will break a person's heart?
or how ppl will think of u
u may think it is funny, but for some other ppl or the victim especially
u SUCKS !!

This post is not write to specific anybody
but is to everybody
flash back what u have did
flash back what u have said

Did u do anything wrong and foolish
but u did not realize it
think wise before u do anything..

Good Luck ^^

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aBouT Me

SoMeOne who Lost in his life,dunno where to go. LazY and StubboRn,always playing around,doing nothing. However The only thing he has,most precious is HER,which gave him a lot of support in everything never give him up and changed a lot for him Trying to be a better man in some ways Trying to get things done well Trying to think positively in everything. and be a happy man ^^ Thanks..

SonG's FoLLoWeRs