SonG WorLd

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

TaRiTa FaiR - DaY 2

dam sui dam sui..
dunno i dizzy or wat.. 
this is the 2nd time i type this post 
for day 1 and day 2...
keep press wrongly.. and have to start all over again

dam unlucky day..
reach there, there are a lot of flies flying around in our booth..
like wan us to "Beat flies" like tat...
at last... really EGG !!!
damm sui... luckily i also got some 收获

very long time no c fren.. know each other since form 1..
he is working too ^^
but in competitor's company..
but nvm laa.. i also go pass time only..kakaka
happy jiu hao..
but the pentax technician keep stressing behind..
dulan ><

Try to find my fren for few times..
but his booth ppl like scared die..
scared i take away their customer like that.. 
aiyo.. i got morale 1 ok?
got ethics 1 ok?
as long i in ppl's booth, i wont talk to customer or gif our booth fliers 1..
at last... too sien already..
cynthea started looking around c anything to snap or not.. then..

found 1 husband and wife buying camera.. with a 3months old baby..
so dam cute.. u c u c..
laughing in the picture ^^
cute cute fat fat...
following photo more fat..

of coz i mean the right 1..wakakkaka
his mother really know how to "keep"
after baby still so nice body line..wkaakakaka.....
keep discussing about that.XD

then i met some1 i really unexpected...

xiu yan..
if any1 know him and lost contact with him can pm me personally..
he came with his gf looking for camera..
i keep introduce him other brands..
EXCEPT my brand..wakakakaka..
so bad..
but at last i also call him think carefully 1st.. 
then only decided whether necessary..

On the same day, there is a event held at 3pm...
about F.R.I.E.N.D.z

if any1 know who are they..
i dunno them.. but i know their song call gif me 5 gif me 5.. =.=!!!
c them i straight headache..
more interested in One FM DJs who are all under the stage..
c them i really headache..
but also snap few pictures.. coz wanna do some blogging joB XD

By the end of the day...

photo of no sales.... low spirits XD
going to fight again tmr... wish us good luck ><

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aBouT Me

SoMeOne who Lost in his life,dunno where to go. LazY and StubboRn,always playing around,doing nothing. However The only thing he has,most precious is HER,which gave him a lot of support in everything never give him up and changed a lot for him Trying to be a better man in some ways Trying to get things done well Trying to think positively in everything. and be a happy man ^^ Thanks..

SonG's FoLLoWeRs