SonG WorLd

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

ScaRy ManDaRin PeeL

every1 familiar with this??

1 day when i came back from working..
my father rush to me..
and said..
i wanna show u something very stunning..
he show me this pack of golden peel..
AND !!!

at the btm of the peels,
there is an earing... from the picture above..
can c that? ><
very big earring..
and is used... YUCKS..
imagine our earring.. 
u wear long already.. it stinks..
now inside ur food u r eating..

congratulations daddy for being the lucky ones> <

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aBouT Me

SoMeOne who Lost in his life,dunno where to go. LazY and StubboRn,always playing around,doing nothing. However The only thing he has,most precious is HER,which gave him a lot of support in everything never give him up and changed a lot for him Trying to be a better man in some ways Trying to get things done well Trying to think positively in everything. and be a happy man ^^ Thanks..

SonG's FoLLoWeRs