SonG WorLd

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

简单的午餐 LuncH

Dun understand... really dun understand
1 simple lunch in kampar..
my hsemate vivian can take phone camera take videos..photoes..
really dun understand..
wat so special with it. ><

Here i introduce 2 of my favourite food in kampar 


干捞面 淋加哩汁 (我那份是加面)

asam laksa + 排骨


very impressive meh? wonder y they keep taking the camera and snap ><

1 comment:

  1. cos u eat so 'too little', so i feel very special n record it..^^



aBouT Me

SoMeOne who Lost in his life,dunno where to go. LazY and StubboRn,always playing around,doing nothing. However The only thing he has,most precious is HER,which gave him a lot of support in everything never give him up and changed a lot for him Trying to be a better man in some ways Trying to get things done well Trying to think positively in everything. and be a happy man ^^ Thanks..

SonG's FoLLoWeRs