SonG WorLd

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

August 21-25 PenTaX SunGei WanG

Went to Futuromic training today..
learn about Pentax cameras
gosh.. late and cant find parking.. stress
luckily those ppl ok ok 1 XD
plus wearing shot pants and sandals..aduh..
learn history of Pentax and their selling points..
going to post the models if somebody is interested..lolz
supposed to take 1 of the camera for shooting
so tmr can print out for display..
however.. raining + exhausted..
go back terus tidur ><
forget everything about it..

Selling them For 5days in sungei wang ^^
Given chance to in charge of cameras for 1 day =X
these are the preview of the cameras :
1st - most expensive selling that day RM 4XXX
PenTax K-7 DSLR 

stress holding it... nanti jatuh.. i 10 nyawa pun tak cukup><

Next is the cheapest camera selling

very obvious the mirror full of dirt= = 
from the photo shows... I GAINED WEIGHT !!!
gosh.. better reduce my eating --
black shirt going to be my working shirt..
quite ok.. better than other brands XD
any1 going there? come meet me in the middle sungei wang ^^

cHeeRs !!

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aBouT Me

SoMeOne who Lost in his life,dunno where to go. LazY and StubboRn,always playing around,doing nothing. However The only thing he has,most precious is HER,which gave him a lot of support in everything never give him up and changed a lot for him Trying to be a better man in some ways Trying to get things done well Trying to think positively in everything. and be a happy man ^^ Thanks..

SonG's FoLLoWeRs